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  • (701) 775-7837
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Ward K Johnson Law

Ward K Johnson Law

Grand Forks Details You Need To Know About Parental Kidnapping

Out of all the missing children reported in the US in 2020, 4.8 percent were of parental kidnapping. Shockingly, 63% of all Amber alerts issued by police were due to child abduction cases. All parents must be aware of the situation when spending time with their child becomes parental kidnapping.

Are you stuck in a complicated custody case and fear parental kidnapping? Ward K Johnson Law firm is the solution. Our lawyers have expertise in handling cases where parents are falsely accused of abducting their child. Continue reading to know more about the laws.

What is parental kidnapping?

Kidnapping lawyers grand forks ND claim that situations of parental kidnapping arise where the child is involved in co-parenting. It is an act of taking the child away without the other parent’s consent. The situation complicates depending on the custody agreement of the two parents. If a custody agreement exists, parental kidnapping occurs when one parent violates the agreement and takes the child somewhere without the other parent’s consent. If no custody agreement exists, one parent has the liberty to take the child without the permission of the other parent. 

Is taking the child out of state an act of parental kidnapping?

According to the top kidnapping law firm in Grand Forks, ND, if one parent takes a child out of state without the other parent’s consent, it is considered an act of parental kidnapping. This law also refers to parental kidnapping as child concealment, custodial interference, and parental abduction. 

Such an act can become complicated due to many reasons. The law varies from state to state and depends on how much time each parent gets with the child. While some states consider it parental kidnapping only if it violates legal activities, some other states do not consider it illegal, as long as the parent does not cancel the child’s location. 

Kidnapping lawyers in Grand Forks consider it illegal even if the custody is pending. Parental kidnapping sometimes also comes into the scene when the parental identity of the father is to be determined legally. Most states will closely observe the situation and consider whether the parent took the child out of state for a few days or left to stay away from the other parent. 

Is taking the child out of the country an act of parental kidnapping?

Kidnapping law firm grand forks ND claim that many times one parent, generally the mother wishes to return to their original country after the breakdown of a multinational relationship along with the child. The father applies to have the children returned to his country. 

In cases involving international child custody, multinational treaties like Hague Convention on Child Abduction are helpful. This treaty allows proceedings for the children return who have been forcefully removed or kept away from their home country. Presently, 98 nations are partners in the Hague Convention. Every year, some of the other countries grow their membership. 

How to avoid parental kidnapping accusations?

As per the Kidnapping lawyers in Grand Forks, ND, the accusations of parental kidnapping can be emotionally and financially traumatic. Who would want to be accused of kidnapping their child? If the other parent wants to keep the child away from you, the situation can be more stressful. 

You have to be careful and thoughtful of being accused of parental kidnapping when you share custody of your child. Know the language of the custody agreement well to avoid any misunderstandings. Ask the kidnapping law firm grand forks ND to put some language in the agreement if you fear the other parent taking the child away from you. 

Bottom Line

Communication with the other parent might become ineffective with the other parent sometimes. Contact Ward K Johnson Law Firm to get the best legal representation.